Saturday, September 24, 2011


     Emily experienced her first official Clemson football game today!!  FSU vs. Clemson and we won!    It just so happens that the last game I attended was 2 years ago and it was also FSU vs. Clemson AND I was pregnant with little girl!  Emily behaved (fairly) well today and fell asleep literally 30 seconds after getting in the car to leave from tailgating around 2pm.  We finished up watching the game at Aunt Ree's house!  She had fun playing with the poms poms and shouting "Go Tigers!"  Don't know when her next game will be but here are some pictures from today.

Little Tiger

LOVES Daddy!
Enjoying her "Tailgate" food!

My Crazy Nephew

Playing with Chad
All the Girls... Plus Chad!

Everyone is looking!

Tuckered Out...
Go Tigers!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall is on the Way!

     I have definitely become accustomed to getting up early... between an active 17 month old and having to be at work in Augusta by 7am, my days of sleeping in are over.   But I LOVE how cold these mornings have been this past week!!!  It means that fall weather is right around the corner, and I cannot wait!  Emily has hit a growth spurt and the summer clothes she has are starting to look at little snug.  I will probably still have to buy a few things since we do live in SC after all, but hopefully she will be able to wear her winter wardrobe soon!  Not only has she hit a growth spurt (most noticeable by the amount of food she is consuming right now), but she has also hit the stage where she repeats everything we say and do.  We now truly have to watch what is on the TV, what we say, and what we do!  She is like a sponge and is absorbing it all.  I love watching her learn new things everyday and remember and repeat them the next day.  And also, I got a new camera recently (to replace the one that I think was left on the bumper of my car accidentally...), so you should see a LOT of pictures now since I am having fun with my camera!   And for a small update on Emily, I wanted to list a few of her favorite things right now since I know they will change soon!
  1.  Elmo-- on TV, on her diapers, on my Iphone, on the Computer, etc.  We love Elmo.
  2. Blocks!
  3. Hairbows
  4. Chick-fil-A and Sweet Tea (I'm a terrible mom, I know!)
  5. Shoes
  6. Playing Outside and Watering the Flowers
  7. We LOVE Ace-- sitting on him, standing on him, petting him, hugging him, you name it-- he is her best friend and he is SO good natured about it.  Probably because she feeds him her leftovers.
  8. Her Bobby (Paci, not sure why she calls it a Bobby but she came up with that one on her own and it has stuck)
  9. Reading Books-  I think she owns more books than she does anything else.
  10. Making up her own games and then doing them over and over and over again!!  Fun to watch her learn and laugh at the silliest things.

Hanging Out with Aunt Ali

Sugar and Spice Tea!  Thanks Nini!

Eating a Peach and making her "Funny Face"

Playing with Mama after a bath

Eating her cookie and wondering why I'm holding the camera again...

Loves Aunt Ree (or as Emily calls her for some unknown reason, Aunt O!)

Reading Books to herself

Having fun in the TUB!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Our Busy Household

     Emily is SOOOOOO  busy!  She is on the go constantly now, learning new things, copying and mimicking EVERYTHING we do, and getting into stuff she shouldn't be doing!  Needless to say, she entertains me from the time we get up to the time we go to bed.  She is a very sassy little girl, full of personality and fun, but also has her daddy's shyness around people she does not know.  You name it, she can say it (or try to say it).  She has now moved into a toddler bed, finally off of bottles, and prefers to feed herself (including using her own fork).  She has grown up so fast and although I miss her as a "baby", I wouldn't trade watching her grow and learn for anything!

Fell asleep during snack time...

LOVES corn on the cob

Sprinkler Fun

Playing with Bubbles


Funny Faces

Like her Mama!

Loving on Ace

With Daddy