I am very nervous to post this, but... Matt has not had a TRUE, actual, real fever episode since December. He did
develop a fever in January around his "scheduled" time, but it ended
up never spiking to a high temperature and he tested positive for a
respiratory virus so we attributed the fever to a viral illness. That being said, has the streak of high fevers
ended after 10 months??? So while I remain clueless as to what caused the fevers each month, I
am thankful for now that they have ceased to exist for awhile at least.
His infectious disease doctor feels that everything he has been through
is attributed to his poor immune system (back to the original diagnosis of transient hypogammaglobuneima), which could definitely be the
case. His immune system levels HAVE improved but he still has a ways to go. His
ID doc thinks he may outgrow all of this when he is 3... and if this is true, I would be
overjoyed. He will continue to be "asthmatic" though, but hopefully we
can continue to keep that well under control with maintenance medications and
routine monitoring. I hope this post does not
jinx me! Here's to hoping and
praying his health continues to improve, he continues to gain some
weight back, and he quits giving me grey hair! (And P.S. I think he is finally gaining a little weight after a year of gaining nothing!!! It's amazing to see him so healthy!)