Saturday, April 07, 2012

Emily turns T - W - O!

     Happy Birthday Emily!  You are now TWO years old.  Wow, time has flown by.  It still feels like just yesterday that we brought you home and had our lives changed forever.  You are the best part of us and bring us so much joy.  I am so thankful that this past year was filled with LESS doctor appointments and more healthy days, even though she had her fair share of daycare germs and 5 ear infections!  At two years old you weight 27.5 lbs (60%) and are 33 in tall (30%).  I didn't keep up with her monthly accomplishments like I did her first year, but to "chronicle" this age, here's a few of my favorites...

  1. You still LOVE your pacifier unfortunately, you have even named it "Bobby".  
  2. You cannot live without your stuffed animal monkey from Baby Gap of all places.  The first time you saw him in November, you fell in love and since he was $17, I didn't buy him (since we have tons of stuffed animals already.)  I had to go back the very next week and buy him because you wouldn't stop talking about him and now he goes with you everywhere (and I happily own 4 since he is not machine washable...)  
  3. You have a very, very, very extensive vocabulary and speak in complete sentences which continues to amaze me.  You have just started to sing by yourself this past week and your favorites are "Jesus Loves Me", "Wheels on the Bus", "ABCs" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider".
  4. You are in LOVE with the movie Cars, and I realized today that you have watched it often enough that you have memorized what they say.  You also love "Boo Beast" (Beauty and the Beast), "Mermaid" (The Little Mermaid), and "Doggies" (Lady and the Tramp).
  5. Your favorite (and pretty much only) cartoon is Little Einsteins.
  6. Your best friend in the whole world is your cousin, Chad.
  7. You are still a VERY picky eater.  And your favorite food is still yogurt - which you sometimes eat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  8. You love to go to the park and I think you would stay and swing all day if I would let you.
  9. You like to put your shoes on by yourself and you love to try on clothes and tell me how pretty they are while you spin around in them.
  10. You spell your name "E-M-I-Y-Z", you can count to 10 but you like to start at the number 5, and you know all your colors but still need help with some of them!

"I TWO!"
Wanted to keep blowing out her candles over and over...

Fun with Daddy

In her PURPLE Birthday Dress, her favorite Color.

Best Buds

Aquarium with the Birthday Girl!

Cake Number Two!

Fed herself with babies bottles...

Day After Birthday fun....

Emily, you make me one proud mommy and I love you so much.  Happy Birthday!  Don't feel like you have to grow up too fast...  I will miss the day when you finally stop saying "Mommy hold you"...  :)

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