Sunday, October 20, 2013

Eight Months

    I am so far behind on my posts!  Where to begin....  My sweet Matt Matt is now 8 months old and has had such a struggle these past two and a half months... He has remained a trooper though with smiles for everyone!  We've been to our pediatrician on an almost weekly basis, we've been to the allergist, the ENT, and we are scheduled to have a swallow study and sweat test done this week.  He's had 3 ear infections, 3 antibiotics (one which upset his little tummy), lab draws, jet neb treatments, steroids, 2 inhalers (one which we use daily), and on top of all of that- a flu shot :).  Oh, and did I mention he has more teeth coming in as well!!!  Despite all of this, he is still my smiling, sweet little boy who typically sleeps through the night and wakes up super happy and ready to start the day.  He has definitely been extra clingy and fussy on occasion but who can blame him???  He also started CRAWLING last week!!!  He is still wobbly but getting faster by the minute and is into EVERYTHING!  Literally- everything.  I can't take my eyes off of him for a second without him finding something to play with, crawling somewhere, or pulling up to stand on anything he next to him.  He actually started pulling up before he started crawling (and Stephen and I were both there when he succeeded for the first time!), but he has not started cruising furniture yet so hopefully walking is a ways away still.  I'm not ready for that yet!  If you hold his hands, he already sometimes tries to walk.  He eats A LOT of baby food 2 to 3 times a day, but I'm afraid he is going to be just as picky as his big sister.  Sometimes all I can get him to eat is yogurt, and other days he only wants vegetables.  He is not a big fan of fruit at all, except for bananas.  He loves baby puffs and does not choke on them like his big sister did!  He is VERY interested in big people food and wants to have something of whatever is on your plate.  Emily was never like this, especially this early, so maybe he won't end up a picky eater??  I can't believe Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas season is here-- time is flying and pretty soon I'll have a one year old, a four year old, and.... a new niece/nephew!!! :)  Congrats Ali and David- we love you so much and can't wait to meet baby Caldwell...

Loves to pull up onto Emly's trampoline.

On the move!

Looks like Daddy here. 
"Where's my food Mom!?"

Sweet baby, ready for bed at Grandma's house.

How I figured out he could pull up on stuff and not to leave him alone
(He was on the rug on the far left when I walked out for a quick minute...)

Daddy dressed me!

Jumped till he "dropped"

Sweet baby, loves to cuddle with his friends!

Banana Puffs!

And not to be left out, Big Sister and Daddy!

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