Thursday, April 14, 2011

One Year Check-Up

     At Emily's one year check up this past Monday, she weighed in at 20lbs 14oz and was 28 3/4 inches long!  Both in the 50% percentile, which is what she has been at since she started crawling.  Everything seems to be on track developmentally, including language which I'm especially thankful for given her frequent ear infections.  We tried transitioning to whole milk the week she turned one, but... she her little body was not very tolerant of either the lactose or the milk fat.   Her pediatrician suggested we start trying soy milk and if that doesn't work, we move to 1% or 2% milk and see how she does with that.  It will be awhile still before we work on getting rid of the bottle since she has had so many ear infections (and continues to do so), and the pacifier, well- that will be a tough one later on down the road!  Oh well, my baby sister had her paci until she was 3, and I sucked my thumb through the first grade so we'll see!  Thankfully her Aunt Ali is going to be a dentist!  :)  She has another double ear infection right now as well, but the ear tubes are working still.  If it doesn't go away by Monday, we'll be headed back to the doctor for some different drugs.  And did I mention we have successfully come off of the Prevacid???  Hopefully no more reflux EVER!
     Well, I had a doctor's appointment on Monday as well for Bronchitis and possibly Pneumonia.  The meds weren't working very well and I ended up getting worse and feeling even more awful so after heading back to the doctor again yesterday, I got some more meds and am staying home from work these next two days to rest, especially since I had a low grade fever as well.  I'm hoping Emily just gave me her cold from a few weeks ago and she will not end up getting this one from me!
     We will be celebrating Emily's birthday again this coming weekend, this time with my side of the family.  Can we say spoiled rotten?  It will be fun to see her and Chad play together now that she is walking everywhere!  Hopefully I will be feeling good again and can enjoy time with my family.  Will post some pictures from the party after this weekend!

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