Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Six Months Old...

     Matt is only half a year away from turning ONE... crazy!  He is, of course, GROWING and learning new things every day.  He was supposed to have his checkup tomorrow but the doctor needed to reschedule so it will be a few weeks until we know "officially" how big he has grown since his last appointment!  He is finally, as of two days ago, eating baby food and liking it-- no gagging or fussing-- just opening up his mouth like a little bird.  So far he loves mangoes, bananas, and carrots.  He was NOT a fan of applesauce but I will try it again in the next week or so and see how he does with it.   He is pretty much sitting up on his own, but still falls over when he gets excited about something.  He may not be crawling yet... but he can definitely scoot and roll his way to wherever he wants to go.  You can feel his two bottom teeth on the edge of his gum, but can't see them yet!  And his hair is starting to grow long, but mainly only in the middle of his head making him look like he has a mohawk the majority of the time.  He is sleeping through the night again mostly, which I am very thankful for, and he does 360s in his crib when he sleeps.  He moves so much that I had to take the "sheet saver" out of the crib because he somehow got under it one night while he was sleeping!  His favorite activity by far is to JUMP!  In the doorway jumper or the excersaucer or on someones lap, those legs are in constant springing motion.  Unlike his big sister, he does not seem to have the shyness that she had at this age, and he loves everyone.  Thankfully this has made his transition into "school" very easy and he has had a great first week so far!  Emily started school also and has done much better than I expected.  She has only cried two out of the three days so far and reports to me when she gets home hat she had a great time.  Now that she no longer has tubes in her ears, lets pray that she remains ear infection free this school year!  Her Pre-K class doesn't start until the beginning of September, but... we start our dance class next week!  She will be in a combination tap/ballet class.  She asked to take dance classes so hopefully she won't be too shy when she starts next week and will have fun.  Having two kids definitely equals a full house for this mama right now, and it is much harder with work and now school starting back up!  Here's to hoping we can create a routine in the next few weeks that will work for everyone :)

There are a LOT of pictures on this posting... :)

In the cradle my Grandpa made for my children... Miss him still!

Always smiling!


Hope they will always be this nice to each other ;)

His eyes look blue in this picture, but I'm not sure what color they are going to end up!

Had to post-- such a "real life" moment.  He LOVES to play with faces.

Sitting in Emily's play wagon

Yummy Carrots!

Trying out her new dance attire for next week

First day of school!  (A little blurry)

Sitting up in the cart like a big boy

My little night owl...

Sink Bath at Grandma's house!

Natural mohawk day

At Stephanie's baby shower

Chad and Emi

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